Some of us have more experience in areas than others, but no one is a master of movement and therefore, movement is for everyone. The human body (and brain) is designed for coordination of complex movements, without which it atrophies, sensitizes, and accumulates fat and disease risk. You are your body. If you want it to work well, you must use it.

Let’s take strength as an example and use the deadlift to illustrate.

You have a 500 lb deadlift? Excellent. That strength will be a helpful foundation in a number of areas though it might not be as useful as you might think!

You have a 40 lb deadlift? Excellent. You have lots of room for improvement! Not only that but the improvements you make here will be much more useful to you in general than if you can lift 500 pounds.

Maybe you haven't been able to deadlift in years because of an injury? Don’t worry. The human body has an incredible capacity for adaptation when we stop working against it. We'll teach you how to fix yourself based on the cutting edge of rehabilitation and pain science.

Or maybe you have no idea what a deadlift is and have never heard of a barbell? Wonderful. We'll introduce you to a fantastic tool you can use to build muscle, burn fat, increase bone density, rehabilitate and prevent injuries, and become stronger.

Remember, strength work is just a small section of what we do. This is more an analogy for different levels of experience or situations in any area of our practice.

If you’re worried about jumping straight into our online coaching program, scheduling a private session is a great way for absolute beginners to get comfortable with movement basics first. Most people who need it can be quickly brought up to speed within a few one-on-one sessions. Contact Bren for rates so you can start moving today.