We don't discriminate based on age, gender, ethnicity, or athleticism. In fact, most who really dive into movement training are very uncoordinated, un-athletic, and dealing with more than one chronic injury when they start training. The point is not to get to some final endpoint, it's to improve. That’s why movement is so hugely beneficial for everyone. You can check out how movement has improved the lives of our students here.

That being said, our community and training is not for everyone. If you fit any of the below descriptions, we are not for you:

  1. Your comfort zone is small and you have no interest in expanding it.
    Discomfort, fear, and frustration can be regular guests in our practice, especially when we first start. If you don't ever want to feel tired, weak, uncoordinated, or inflexible, we are not for you. Feeling these things is often an inseparable part of becoming their opposite.

  2. You don't actually care about improving the functions of your body, you just want to look good.
    Sure, movement practice combined with a good diet develops an ideal physique. However, your body is an extremely complex and intricate system of about 40 trillion cells, 100 billion neurons, 1300+ tendons, 900 ligaments, and 850 muscles—each with many thousands of different proteins interacting with each other, changing shape, up regulating or down regulating themselves or others, and driving reactions. If out of that entire system, all you care about is the number that shows up when you step on the scale, we are not for you.

  3. You give up easily or don't like challenges.
    Since the name of the game is growth and improvement, being optimally challenged is a fundamental requirement. It doesn't matter if you're working on your first chin up or first muscle up. There will always be a progression or regression we will use to challenge you. Already have a one arm handstand? We will challenge your balance. Struggle to balance on one foot? We will work on your balance. You have ten years of dance experience? We will challenge your coordination. You have two left feet? We will work on your coordination. Too much intensity or difficulty will limit your progress but so will too little—so we will work to provide you with the optimal progression or regression. As you improve, we will give you something harder.

  4. You need to be the best person in the room all the time.
    A little bit of competition can be healthy but overall this mindset can be very detrimental to yourself and your practice. Every day when you train, your goal should be to develop yourself and the people you work with, not to win all the games and be the strongest, bestest mover ever. Having goals is great, but we work with partners and in teams all the time. Anything that interrupts this is unacceptable.

  5. You have a huge ego and can't accept criticism.
    Ego is the enemy, my friends. Unfortunately, criticism is a necessary and foundational part of optimal learning in any discipline. If you want to be a good student, you need to be able to use criticism and analysis as a foundational part of your learning feedback loop, and ego only gets in the way of this process. For those interested, check out Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday. Fantastic book.

  6. Your body is not a priority to you.
    If you want to eat junk food all the time and maybe take a class once or twice a week when you feel like it, we are not for you! Your body is invaluable and it should be treated as such!

If you are ready to be challenged, join the movement today. We will work with anyone interested in learning how to move better—no matter your skill level. To learn more about what movement is and how it can improve your life, click here to check out what other people have to say.